Print Advertising
A Core Channel of Communication
This industry has a love affair with printed collateral. Brochures, magazine ads, hand outs for trade shows, leave behinds, you name it – aviation loves print.
We are print-o-philes as well.
(The actual word is “ephemerists”.)
Print gives you an opportunity to convey in a lasting way an emotional connecting to your brand. It’s tangible, it’s meaningful, and it is essential in the selection of considered luxury purposes.
Unfortunately, most in this industry get their printed matter terribly wrong. Confused layouts. Cluttered design. Trying to do too much while saying too little.
We know a better way.
Printed Matter Sells
I’m sure by now, looking at our site, we have a fondness for the great artists of the heyday of advertising and aviation. Our work is inspired by the likes of “Propeller Propagandists” of Stan Galli, David Klein, Joseph Binder, Abram Games, as well as classic advertising artists such as Saul Bass, George Lois, Mary Welles, and pop culture artists such as Bob Peak, Robert McGinnis, and Reynold Brown.
Our guess is, you have no idea who those people are? If we showed you their artwork, you’d instantly recognize it as they were the men behind iconic movie posters, brand logos, and famous print art layouts. Such is the life of a brilliant commercial artist – the most famous artists nobody’s ever heard of but everyone knows.
We adore print as a medium. It provides a creative flexibility to create a feeling and a call to action. Done well, it’s durable long beyond even when the campaigns end (which is why much of the “Propeller Propaganda” continues on.)
Done well, print can be a fabulous medium for conveying both brand identity and building trust, authority, and recognition in the marketplace.

Stan Galli’s print poster for United Airlines c. 1955 ©United Airlines. Used for illustrative purposes only.