Lead Generation
Change is good (when you know what you’re doing).
Lead generation has changed more than ever before. No longer is it done with a Rolodex or list of phone numbers. Today it’s all done through emails. So, you might be thinking “I can send some emails”, but it’s not that simple.
Crafting an email that delivers an effective message is much harder than bantering over the phone with someone. It takes a special skill to know how to develop an effective email drip campaign that actually delivers results. At the Aviation Agency, we’ve gotten very good at generating new leads and even resurrecting some from the past for our clients.
Lead generating through email is an artform. One that even the best salesperson struggles with writing a compelling email that turns into a conversion or even a phone call. Give us a call we’d love to tell you a little bit more about what we do and what we can do to help you reach your goals.
Lead Development for Aviation
Our approach to lead generation is two pronged. Prong one is to ensure content that is relevant and useful is available to prospects. Prong two is that advertising, marketing, and public relations, are aligned to make your company visible, authoritative, and trustworthy in the minds of prospects. Creating a solid lead generation strategy will help you build trust and capture the interest of your buyer before they are even ready to contact sales.