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Choosing the right advertising agency is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your marketing efforts.
At The Aviation Agency, we understand the unique challenges faced by aviation-related businesses, and we’ve created a series of videos to guide you through the process of selecting an ad agency that aligns with your goals. Most of the clients who hire us are like you, they have never had an “agency of record,” before. This is their first time hiring an agency.
It’s both scary and exciting.
In these videos, we share with you the “unvarnished truth” you can only get being on the inside of our craft. These videos are not about us. They are about helping Clinton National Airport think about how to evaluate ad agencies. Given the questions posed in your RFQ, we know you want a partner who can help you achieve transformative results, and we want to share with you our experience in thinking about how to hire the right partner, whether that’s us or someone else. We’re passionate about the three areas we talk about in these videos because we think people, execution, and work is what separates great agencies from all the rest.
We hope you find these videos helpful as you’re evaluating proposals. Each video correlates to the section of your RFP and is supplemental to that section (although presented out of order because we think about it in terms of people, execution, and then the result of people and execution, the work.)